Mr. Lasbrook, Founder, Coordinator and Day School Teacher:

For over 10 years Mr. Lashbrook has pursued a vision that originated in the context of shifting the arts education paradigm, when a traditional music program at an inner-city high school evolved into an award winning program of music creation and technology called the One World Youth Arts Project (OWYAP) that has been recognized by the TDSB, the Ministry of Education, the federal government, various Canadian/American universities, as well as cited in various articles, books, journals, theses, and textbooks.
Mr. Rocco, Day, Night, and Summer School Teacher:

Mr. Rocco is a musician but also a teacher in the Ontario public education system. He is currently teaching in the One World Youth Arts Project Day, Night, and Summer School programs.
Mr. A, Website Creator and Webmaster

Mr. A hopes and plans to help further advance Mr. Lashbrook's creation of a barrier-free, equitable and inclusive global network of educational collaboration that is facilitated by modern Web 2.0 technologies and empowered by the creativity of youth.