An invitation:

A cross-curricular invitation for educators to connect students with counterparts across the city, the province, the country and the world, by utilizing 21st century technologies (i.e. Web 2.0) that are engaging, motivating, inclusive, equitable, and that offer not only the hard and soft skills that the current market requires, but also the globally-conscious local activism that our modern world needs. The proposed vision being that the next generation of the world’s children, as part of their public school experience, will be able to collaborate with their counterparts all around the world on meaningful educational projects, as a result of an inclusive and barrier-free approach (i.e. culture, gender, prior educational experiences, race, socio-economic, etc.) that is based on the belief that all children possess innate abilities that can be nurtured if the child is provided a rich, experiential learning environment. The proposed goal, then, is to create an online global collaboration education network that will tap into the power of youth, with a cross-curricular focus on self-actualization, character development, social justice, equity and global conscience, thus collectively shifting the education paradigm and changing the world for the better…one child at a time.